Welcome to the Morris Habitat for Humanity ReStore! We are the store that builds homes. Shopmorrisrestore.com is the ReStore’s online shopping website, aimed to bring you one-of-a-kind pieces that will not be available in store AND fund our mission of affordable housing.  

The Morris ReStore is a good deal for you, the community and the environment! Our New Jersey local nonprofit creates a steady source of income for Morris Habitat for Humanity by selling new and used furniture and home furnishings donated by individuals and businesses. It promotes sustainability by diverting hundreds of tons of materials from landfills each year. 

Since 2007, the Morris ReStore has funded the construction of 36 homes and has diverted 17,588 tons of useable materials from landfills. 

Please visit our brick-and-mortar store for more great items, located at 274 South Salem Street, Randolph NJ 07869.  

To learn more about the Morris ReStore and how to donate, please click here.

To learn more about our mission, please click here.

 Thank you for choosing to support our mission of affordable housing. 🏠 


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